Do you come from abroad and want to work in the sex industry in the Netherlands? If so, there are several things you need to consider.
From the European Union
If you come from one of the Member States of the European Union, you do not need a residence permit to stay and work in the Netherlands legally. You do have to register in the Key Registration of Persons (BRP), but only if you expect to stay longer than four months. If you are staying in the Netherlands for a shorter period you can register with your foreign address in the Register of Non-Residents (RNI). You will then receive a Citizen Service Number (BSN). You must also register in the Municipal Personal Records Database (GBA).
Outside the European Union
If you come from outside the European Union, you cannot work as a sex worker here. Not even as a self-employed person.
Married or living together
For example, are you married, or do you live with someone and do you have a residence permit to stay with your partner? You have free access to the Dutch labour market if your partner also has that access. Do you come from outside the European Union (EU) and have a residence permit that gives you free access to the Dutch labour market? Then you can also work as a sex worker. Both as a self-employed person and for an operator.
Working as a sex worker in the Netherlands
Who can do what and when?
Many foreign sex workers work in the Dutch sex industry. It is not always clear to everyone who is allowed to work in the Netherlands and under what conditions.
The brochure ‘Working in sex work in het Netherlands‘ is only available in Dutch.